coaching & training 

"We could all use a little coaching. When you're playing the game, it's hard to think of everything" - Jim Rohn

We will help you create a learning environment that supports the knowledge, growth and development of everyone in your organisation. We provide a wide range of training & coaching tailored to your requirements and focused on enhancing the performance of your business and your people.



individuals as well as organisations are increasingly turning to coaching to help them perform at their best. Benefits include improving self-esteem, improved working relationships aswell as increased levels of performance, improved morale, enhance team working or boost earnings. Research has shown that companies that have used professional coaching have seen fantastic returns on their investment. Often, coaching and mentoring is reserved for more junior staff, whilst more senior staff are presumed to be able to just "get on with it". Investing in Managers, Directors, Partners and Owners has a significant and positive impact on the Business as they gain fresh perspectives, renewed drive and passion, improved decision-making and greater confidence, creating & developing strong leadership skills that will drive the business forward.


a focussed unified management team, Partnership or Board is the cornerstone of long term success. We spend so much of our lives at work that having a happy enjoyable environment is just comon sense! Work environments sometimes lead to conflicts. We will help you build an environment in which your managers, directors or partners understand, share and communicate, and in line with the vision, and work together effectively. Team building cannot take place in isolation - and as part of our HR strategic review, this will evolve from changes or developments to your organisational structure, the management and performance review of your staff, and the analysis of individual strengths and preferences.


including Presentation & Public Speaking Skills at basic, intermediary and advanced levels, How to Network, Operations Management, Using Your Time Effectively, Managing & Motivating People, Managing Difficult People, Equality & Diversity, Conducting Grievance and Disciplinary hearings, and communications skills. We can provide a set of workshops for your organisation's needs.

thank you for inspiring and coaching others to be good leaders and managers, and to maximise their own potential aswell as that of Hawkins\Brown Roger Hawkins